Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Right to Return

Below is a link to a 2 minute plus video about the Palestinian right to return.
Maybe you have heard about the planned global demonstrations that are taking place in NY, DC, Montreal, Canada, Boston, Europe, Palestine, and the Arab countries in May 15th, the day that marks the 63 year of the Palestinian Catastrophe, The Nakba. You might not have heard about the deletion of the Facebook groups that had more than 355,000 member, or have not herd about the Israeli government pressure on Facebook admins to delete the groups of the May 15th demonstration, that were and are planned to be NON-VIOLENT. This is how power works, it is in one world, censorship of the weak.
"You (the occupation) deny me my rights, you colonize my land, you steal my home, you murder my loved ones, then ask me to surrender, to forgive, and forget, dont you realize that for every action there is a reaction? This is how thing are, this is how our world works, it is only natural to be, to exist, to resist, it is only humane to feel, to act, to fight,, for justice in Palestine. Join the resistance."

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